SLA students Bingjie Zheng and Gordon West are co-authors of “Assessing preschool English learners’ receptive and expressive language ability to inform instruction” in the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. Congratulations Bingjie and Gordon! …
Year: 2020
Sara Farsiu Publishes Article
SLA Program alumna Sara Farsiu’s article “An ecolinguistic perspective on Assyrian-Iranian migrants’ portrayal of emotions toward their linguistic resources” appears in the January 2021 edition of Language Sciences. Congratulations Sara! You can find out more …
Kazeem Sanuth Becomes National African Language Resource Center Director
SLA Program alumnus Kazeem Sanuth started the Fall 2020 semester as Director of The National African Language Resource Center at Indiana University Bloomington. Congratulations Kazeem!
Bingjie Zheng Publishes Article
SLA student Bingjie Zheng’s article, “Neoliberal multilingualism and ‘humanitarian connections’: discourses around parents’ experiences with a Mandarin Chinese immersion school,” appears in the journal Language and Education. Congratulations Bingjie! You can find out more here.
Diego Román Receives 2020 National Academy of Education/Spencer Fellowship
Diego Román has received a 2020 National Academy of Education/Spencer Fellowship for work on critical areas of research in education. Diego’s work is titled “The Role of Language in Teaching Local Environmental Issues to Emergent …
Mariana Pacheco and Colleen Hamilton Publish Article
SLA faculty member Mariana Pacheco and SLA Program Alumna Colleen Hamilton‘s article “Bilanguaging Love: Latina/o/x Bilingual Students’ Subjectivities and Sensitivities in Dual Language Immersion Contexts” appears in the Special Issue of TESOL Quarterly: Equity for …
Ryan Goble Publishes Article
SLA student Ryan Goble’s article, “Stancetaking and heritage language production: the untold stories of spoken Spanish among third-generation ‘receptive’ bilinguals,” appears in the journal Critical Inquiry in Language Studies. Congratulations Ryan! You can find out …
AAAL Student Award Winner Videos Featuring Bingjie Zheng
Bingjie Zheng is an American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2020 Graduate Student Award recipient. In lieu of in-person acceptances, Bingjie and her fellow award winners have made videos explaining their research. Bingjie’s video is available …
Katrina Thompson Receives NEH Summer Stipend
Katrina Thompson has received a summer stipend from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Katrina will be working on her research project, “A Multisited Ethnography of Nonconforming North American Muslims.” This research will result in …
Sara Farsiu and Chen Sun Successfully Defend Dissertations
A huge congratulations to two SLA students who have successfully defended their dissertations this spring! Sara Farsiu defended her dissertation, Migration, Language, and Feelings of Belonging: An Ethnographic Analysis of the Narratives of Iranian Migrants …