The SLA Fellowship competition allows SLA majors the opportunity to apply for one-semester fellowships that provide funding meant to release students from work obligations so that they may make substantial progress in coursework, research, or dissertation writing during the period of fellowship. At least one 1-semester fellowship is usually awarded each year to one or more SLA students for the following year.
Fellowships are awarded for the express purpose of allowing students to work on their studies full-time. As such, fellows are expected to focus on making progress towards their degree by, for example, taking additional courses or concentrating on their dissertation research and writing.
The fellowship competition is usually announced in early spring for the following year’s available fellowships.
Applications are reviewed by the SLA Steering Committee and decisions are made based on the academic merit of the application and the applicant’s progress to date in the program.
For questions about fellowships, please contact Wendy Johnson (, Program Coordinator, or Cathy Stafford (, Director.