2022 Second Language Symposium Schedule

Symposium schedule

Instructions for Attendees: Please refer to the program below for details about the specific presentations. If there are sessions that you are interested in attending, enter the room through their corresponding zoom link at the time of the presentations. Some presentations will be given virtually, or some will be in-person, but all will be hybrid, meaning that online presentations will be projected in the physical rooms at the Pyle Center, and in-person presentations at the Pyle Center will be broadcast into zoom as well. Participants can attend every session in the manner of their choosing.

Room 213 (Keynote, Plenary, In-Person Panel): https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/97059021297?pwd=OThiaUMycXBRUzJjaXlFWlFjQnNYZz09

Room 232: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/98391065839?pwd=UW0ydzRKUDV1Z1E2cllSN3NjenI0UT09

Room 235: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/92865942655?pwd=WmJjaG5iKzZVT2tRTkozRitsNkZMdz09

Online Panel: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/93620318052?pwd=NUVNVE5aYnhyL1VhUWJOZ3ozVENSZz09


Friday, April 1, 2022

Pyle Center: 702 Langdon St, Madison, WI 53706

12:20-12:50   Registration (213 Hallway)
12:50-01:05   Opening Remarks (213)
01:05-02:15   Keynote: Dr. Manuela Wagner (213)
02:15-02:30   Break (2nd fl. – South)
02:30-04:30  Breakout Sessions (232, 235)
04:30-04:45  Break (2nd fl. – South)
04:45-06:15   In-Person Panel (213)
06:15-08:00  Dinner (Alumni Lounge)

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Pyle Center: 702 Langdon St, Madison, WI 53706 and Online

08:00-08:50  Registration and Breakfast (2nd fl. – South)
08:50-10:50   Online Papers (232, 235)
10:50-11:00    Break (2nd fl. – South)
11:00-12:20    Online Panel (232, 235)
12:30-01:30    Lunch (Alumni Lounge)
01:30-02:00   Online Papers (232, 235)
02:00-02:10   Break (2nd fl. – South)
02:10-03:10    Plenary: Dr. Pamela Wesely (213)
03:15-03:45    Breakout Sessions (232, 235)
03:45-04:00   Break (2nd fl. – South)
04:00-04:15    Closing Remarks (213)