Research and Travel Awards Program for SLA PhD Majors


Updated May 1, 2015


The PhD Program in Second Language Acquisition is pleased to announce an awards competition whose purpose is to provide SLA Program doctoral students with financial support for expenses related to dissertation research or conference travel.


Awards are competitive, and priority will be given to dissertators with approved proposals. For conference travel, priority will be given to students who are presenting; however, provided sufficient funding, we may be able to support conference attendees who will not be presenting. Please note that a student cannot be awarded support more than once per academic year, and limited funding resources will require awards to be capped. The amount of the awards will depend on available resources and the number of meritorious applications received. Students should not expect that an award will cover all expenses incurred and, as always, students are encouraged to apply for additional financial support through other funding sources such as the Graduate School’s Conference Presentation Funds and Research Travel Awards.


Research-related expenses are understood to include costs related to travel to conduct fieldwork, compensation for study participants (proof of IRB approval required), statistical analyses (e.g., software licenses, statistical consultation services), transcription services, equipment, and/or other materials needed to conduct the dissertation study.


Expenses related to conference travel are understood to include conference registration fee, airfare, transportation between airport and conference hotel, lodging, and/or meals. This awards program can reimburse students only for travel expenses that fall within the University guidelines. These guidelines, along with lodging and meal maxima, are detailed online at

Please note that as of January 5, 2015, air travel must be booked via Concur/Fox Travel ( to be eligible for reimbursement. Students must submit receipts for all expenses for which they are requesting reimbursement, up to the amount of the award. Students may request reimbursement as soon as relevant purchases are made (such as airline tickets and conference registration fee).


To be eligible for an award, expenses must be/must have been incurred between July 1, 2014, and June 30, 2015.


To apply, please submit the following materials electronically to Wendy Johnson (, SLA program coordinator, NO LATER THAN April 15, 2015, at 5pm:


Proposals for dissertation research support

  • Current CV
  • Brief description (limit 500 words) of your dissertation project including rationale for the research and description of the research design/method
  • Brief budget statement (limit 150 words) describing the intended use of the award, and an explanation of relevant rates (e.g., per hour of consultation; payment per participant; payment per material purchase, etc.), and appropriate multipliers (e.g., hours needed; anticipated participant numbers; etc.)
  • Note on other sources of funding secured or applied for (if applicable)


Proposals for conference travel support

  • Current CV
  • Conference title and dates
  • (If presenting) Title and abstract of paper
  • (If presenting) Documentation of the paper’s acceptance
  • (If attending) Brief description of plan for “debriefing” about the conference with SLA colleagues
  • Description of expenses that have been or will be incurred between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015.
  • Note on other sources of funding secured or applied for (if applicable)