SLA Fellowship Competition for 2017-18

The SLA Program is pleased to announce a competition for UW-Madison Graduate School Fellowships for the 2017-18 academic year.


Current SLA majors in good standing are invited to submit applications. The program will award at least one 1-semester fellowship in 2017-18 to our current students.


The Graduate School Fellowship covers

1. a stipend totaling $10,250 per 4½-month semester,

2. payment of all tuition and segregated fees during the fellowship period, and

3. eligibility for health insurance during the fellowship period.


The fellowships are awarded for the express purpose of allowing students to work on their studies full-time, so no additional TA or PA appointments will be allowed (however, hourly appointments of up to 10 hours/week will be allowed).


To apply for the Fellowship, submit the following materials to Wendy Johnson,, by Friday, May 5:


1) Fellowship application form


2) A statement of 1000 words or less that speaks to how the fellowship will enable you to make progress to your degree:


* For students at the dissertation stage, the statement should include an abstract of your dissertation project, a description of progress on the dissertation to date and how the fellowship will enable further progress.

* For students at the coursework stage, the statement should speak to how the fellowship will help you make progress towards the next milestones (for example, preparing for prelims, completing the dissertation proposal, etc.) and what kind of research project(s) you currently envision to carry on for your dissertation.


3) Short curriculum vitae


4) A short statement (a single paragraph will suffice) from your advisor assessing your progress. The advisor should send the statement directly to Wendy.


Applications will be reviewed by the SLA Steering Committee and decisions will be made based on the academic merit of the application and your progress to date in the program.


For questions about this competition or about the fellowships, please contact Wendy Johnson (, Program Coordinator, or Cathy Stafford (, Director.