The SLA Program is pleased to announce a competition for UW-Madison Graduate School Fellowships for Spring and Summer 2025.
All current SLA majors (dissertators and non-dissertators) in good standing are invited to submit applications.
The Graduate School Fellowship covers
- a stipend totaling $13,253 per 4½-month semester (2024-25 rates). Summer fellowship totals $8,835 in Summer 2025.
- payment of all tuition and segregated fees during the fellowship period, and
- eligibility for health insurance during the fellowship period.
Because these fellowships are awarded to allow students to work on their studies full-time, the committee will prioritize applicants who will not hold other positions while on fellowship. However, all applicants will be considered, and all students are encouraged to apply.
To apply for the Fellowship, submit your application materials to Jana Martin by the end of the day Wednesday, November 6.
The application should include the following:
- Spring and Summer 2025 Fellowship Application
- Curriculum vitae
- A short statement (maximum 250 words) from your advisor assessing your progress. The advisor should email the statement directly to Jana.
Fellowship applications will be reviewed by an ad-hoc subcommittee of Steering Committee members who will make a recommendation to the Committee. Decisions will be made based on the academic merit of the application, the student’s progress to date in the program, and prior funding history.
For questions about this competition or the fellowships, please contact Jana Martin, Program Coordinator, or K.D. Thompson, Program Director.