Spring 2019 Courses

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African 407: Critical Approaches to Multilingualism

Colleen Hamilton
F 2:15-4:15
Van Hise Hall 578
The goal of this course is to explore various issues related to multilingualism through a framework of Critical Applied Linguistics (CALx).  We will examine: the relationship between powerful and marginalized languages; the role of multiple languages in constructing and resisting different identities (ethnic, national, transnational); nationalism; postcolonialism; migration; diasporas; interaction between and among languages (variously conceived of as heteroglossia, hybridity, codemixing, translanguaging, etc.); theories and practice of critical pedagogy in multilingual classrooms; and critical approaches to research, especially critical ethnography in multilingual settings. Most of our readings will focus on language in African societies, but students from other departments should feel free to share examples, in class and in writing, from other contexts.

African 804: Critical Applied Linguistics Working Group

Collaborative exploration and discussion of current research and literature on critical approaches to applied linguistics (CALx), including critical discourse analysis (CDA), mostly in African contexts. Participants will develop a large-scale research project (QP or doctoral dissertation), conduct a review of current research, and present work in progress to receive critical feedback from other class participants.


Graduate students interested in enrolling in this course should contact the instructor, Prof. Katrina Thompson: katrina.daly.thompson@wisc.edu

Curric 723: Life History: Theories & Methods

Mary Louise Gomez
W 12:00-2:45pm
Teacher Education Building 267

Focuses on framing, generating, collecting, and analyzing data gathered from interviews and documents related to people’s lives.

Curric 788: Qualitative Research Methods in Education: Field Methods I

W 9:00am-12:00pm
Educational Sciences 304

Introductory field methods experience in qualitative research. Students will learn to define good research questions, determine which methods of data collection and analysis are useful for addressing those questions, engage in these methods, reflect on their utility in education research.

Curric 789: Qualitative Research Methods in Education: Field Methods II

F 9:30am-12:00pm
Teacher Education 131

Focus on data analysis and translation of finds and implications. Students will gain theoretical and practical knowledge and skills regarding coding and analysis techniques, use of qualitative analytic tools, strategies for sharing findings with audiences beyond research team.

Curric 964*: Seminar in World Language Education

W 5:00-8:00pm

Seminar intended to help graduate students in Language Education or Second Language Acquisition develop their research methodology and data analysis.  See the attached document for more information. 

Curric 975* (Sem 006): Perspectives on Multilingualism

W 4:45-7:15PM

Since the Multilingual Turn (Conteh & Meier, 2014; May, 2013; Ortega,2013) in language education studies, research investigating multilingualism in education has gained considerable attention. The course investigates conceptualizations of multilingualism, plurilingualism, heteroglossia and translanguaging from a global perspective. This course will examine linguistic diversity at the individual and community/societal levels, as well as its impact on identity construction and orientations to teaching and learning. Students will be expected to reflect on and to share their language learning (and teaching) experiences and to relate them to theory, research and practice.

Curric 975* (Sem 007): Writing for Peace

T 2:00-5:00pm

Expressive writing has been shown to heal physical and emotional trauma, but might it also promote peace? If so, under what conditions? This course explores these questions. In doing so, it provides students with cutting edge conceptual frameworks for understanding not only how writing works in the world, but also the pedagogical, social, and rhetorical conditions under which writing might make the world better.

Course number and meeting time TBA.

English 420*: Universal Grammar and Child Language Acquisition

TR 2.30-3.45

[English Language and Linguistics] (Mixed Grad/Undergrad)

This course provides an introduction to the linguistic study of child language acquisition. Children attain adult-like linguistic knowledge by the age of 5-6 without any explicit instruction or correction from their caregivers. In this course, we will examine the properties of the human mind that make language so easily accessible to all typically developing children and discuss evidence for the claim that children are born with built-in universal linguistic principles (Universal Grammar) that constrain language acquisition. We will discuss experimental methods on child language acquisition. We will cover child first language/monolingual acquisition as well as child bilingual acquisition (children acquiring two languages simultaneously).  We will also discuss language development in blind children and children with SLI (specific language impairment).

There is no required textbook. All reading materials will be available electronically on the course website.

English 713*: Introduction to Statistics and Data Science for Linguists

MWF 11:00-11:50
7105 Helen C. White

The course will provide a survey and introduction to tools available for linguists to collect, organize and analyze primary data of many sorts. We will cover and learn to use tools for transcription (ELAN), for data organization & manipulation (Excel & R), for text editing (BBEdit), for survey creation (Qualtrics), for data visualization, statistics & record keeping (RStudio, RMarkdown, GraphViz), and for using scripts for data manipulation (Python, ssh). We will work with data from interviews, surveys, and other sources from many subfields of linguistics (i.e. sociophonetics, syntax, phonology, etc.).  Permission to enroll required. Please contact Prof. Eric Raimy (raimy@wisc.edu)

English 715*: Advanced Second Language Acquisition

TR 9.30-10.45

This course continues the introduction to Second Language Acquisition (Eng 318) by focusing on a number of critical issues in SLA from linguistic (generative) and psycholinguistic perspectives. In this course we will discuss findings of recent research in SLA that address questions such as: (1) what is the role of Universal Grammar in L2 acquisition? (2) how does L2 knowledge develop over time? (3) how does abstract linguistic knowledge interact with other cognitive and psychological factors in real-time language performance (production & comprehension)? We will learn how to design various linguistic and psycholinguistic experiments, and you will carry out a research project to investigate second language acquisition within the generative or psycholinguistic theories.

There is no required textbook. All reading materials will be available on the course website.

French 821*: Deep Project Based Learning in World Languages

R 4:30-7:00pm
544D Teacher Education Building

Projects engage students in interrelated activities of individual or cooperative nature to accomplish series of tasks that are both open and concrete. They facilitate interpersonal exchanges thereby increasing motivation and creating environments that are rich in meaningful second language use. Real-world themes, issues, problems and actions stimulate intrinsic motivation and create reflective situations to solve problems in their context, in a way that respects the autonomy of the student and is conducive to proficiency.  For more information, see the flyer. 

German 727*: Social Justice in the Language Classroom

MWF 11:00-11:50
Van Hise 583


Please note that German 727 is a topics course and can be taken more than once. 


The world we inhabit is ever-changing. Language teaching methods have undergone major transformations over the decades as a result of research findings in disciplines such as SLA, psychology and education, in reaction to the political landscape, and in an attempt to accommodate new generations of students and teachers. In recent years, critical and social justice approaches to language instruction have gained traction in the profession, but to what extent have educators heeded this call and revised their language curriculum? Do L2 instructors integrate pedagogical practices that promote social justice in their face-to-face or virtual classrooms? In her foreword to Words and Actions: Teaching Languages Through the Lens of Social Justice (2014:8) by Cassandra Glynn, Pamela Wesely, and Beth Wassell, Sonia Nieto writes “… I suspect that for some educators, teaching a world language is still primarily about the mechanics of grammar, correct pronunciation, and something about the geography where a particular language is spoken. […] A social justice perspective makes it clear that teaching world languages is about more than the textbook, more than curriculum, and more than pedagogy. It is also more than a set of skills or specific approaches. Social justice in language teaching is, in effect, a stance, a way of looking at what happens through and beyond the curriculum, the pedagogy, and the instructional materials.”


This course addresses critical and social justice approaches to language instruction. Whose voices and perspectives do we privilege and whose are we biased against, whether explicitly or implicitly, consciously or unconsciously? How can we cultivate classroom environments that are welcoming to all kinds of learners and traditionally marginalized groups and are grounded in inclusivity, equity, and empathy? How can the classroom become, as Glynn describes it, a “transformative place” that can “change students’ lives and their perspectives about the world outside of their own school or community”?


We will begin by looking at the current collegiate pedagogical landscape – how, what, to whom, and by whom are second and foreign languages taught? – before moving on to explore a range of topics. Questions we will explore include (among others): How do our own experiences shape us as instructors? What does a pedagogy that promotes critical and social justice look like, and how does it differ from mainstream approaches? How can language curricula be diversified? What role do authentic materials play in integrating real-world themes, personalizing learning and making instruction relevant for today’s (and tomorrow’s) learners, promoting reflection, fostering intercultural competency, and raising global awareness? How do we accommodate and include learners with diverse needs and backgrounds? How can methods courses prepare educators to teach 21st century learners?


Course requirements include the preparation of scholarly articles and additional readings; leading one class discussion; personal reflections of readings; and creating a pedagogical unit or designing a course syllabus. This course promotes collaborative learning in order to foster a robust sense of community and inclusivity.

Psych 711: Language Production in Adults and Children

W 1:30-4:00pm
Brogden Psychology Building 634
This class studies the cognitive and linguistic processes underlying language production—turning a thought into an utterance (or other form of language, such as writing).  We will read original research articles addressing a variety of topics, including how sentence structure is assembled during language production, how words are chosen, how pronunciation is planned, prosody, the memory demands of production, the effect of bilingualism on production, the development of production skills in childhood, and the relationship between language production and comprehension.  Readings will illustrate a variety of research methods (corpus analysis, production experiments, EEG recordings, studies of language-impaired patients), though the major focus will be on performance in typical adults and children.  The class often enrolls students from Psychology, Linguistics, Education, CSD, and programs with interest in (psycho)linguistics or second language instruction, such as German, English, etc.  Feel free to inquire with the instructor, Maryellen MacDonald, mcmacdonald@wisc.edu and receive a copy of an old syllabus (last taught in 2015).

Soc 360: Statistics for Sociologists

MW 2:30-3:45pm (with required lab at various times to choose from)
22 Ingraham Hall

Presentation of sociological data; descriptive statistics; probability theory and statistical inference; estimation and tests of hypotheses; regression and correlation and the analysis of contingency tables; lectures and lab. Gateway to advanced courses in sociology.  It is recommend

Soc 735*: Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis

W 9:30am-12:30pm
6112 Sewell Social Sciences

This course is concerned with the analysis of everyday, local practices for assembling coherent and stable social environments. The focus on everyday practices derives from both ethnomethodological and conversation analytic literatures and investigations. Instruction will involve both didactic or illustrative presentations and hands-on work with interactional data from a variety of social settings, whether informal telephone calls, or more formal work or organizational settings.

Spanish 630*: Teaching Pronunciation

MWF 11:00-11:50
474 Van Hise Hall

This course will provide an overview of key issues related to the teaching of second/foreign language pronunciation at all educational levels, and as such, is aimed at those interested in both the K-12 and post-secondary levels. While the general underpinnings of pronunciation teaching and practice will be discussed mainly in connection with L1 English/L2 Spanish learners, students could apply them to the L2 instruction of other languages as they wish. The first half of the course will focus on the teaching of specific segmental (i.e., vowels and various types of consonants) and suprasegmental (i.e., syllables, intonation, and rhythm) features of Spanish, and the second half will provide guidance on navigating specific areas that could be intimidating or challenging for teachers (e.g., dialectal variation, incorporating technology, individual differences, perception, orthographic interference, proper teacher training, etc.). By the end of the course, students will: have gained an understanding of the principles guiding pronunciation theory and practice; be armed with a set of sample, adaptable pronunciation exercises dealing with the segmental, suprasegmental, and pedagogically challenging topics noted above; and be able to develop a full lesson on a specific topic that is grounded soundly in previous research. The course will be taught in ENGLISH, and is open to any and all graduate students interested in language teaching through any lens. Background in phonetics/phonology would be helpful but is not necessary.