Courses below are possible elective courses for SLA majors and will take place in Spring 2020 unless otherwise indicated. Courses marked with an asterisk (*) can count towards the SLA minor.
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English 320 (new course): Linguistic Theory and Child Language
Jacee Cho,
TueTh 2.30 pm – 3.45 pm, 4281 HC White Hall
[English Language and Linguistics] (Mixed Grad/Undergrad)
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing
*Students who have taken English 420 Universal Grammar and Child Language Acquisition prior to Spring 2020 may not enroll in this course.
This course provides an introduction to the linguistic study of child language within the generative theory. According to this theory, humans are born with genetically determined linguistic knowledge called Universal Grammar, which guides children in learning language. Students will learn the basic concepts of the generative theory and learn to apply them to the study of child language. Topics include universal linguistic principles that govern children’s acquisition of syntax and semantics and cross-linguistic influence in children acquiring more than one language from birth or early childhood. We will discuss empirical research studies testing the Universal Grammar theory of language acquisition.
There is no required textbook. All reading materials will be available electronically on the course website
French 350: Applied French Language Studies
François Victor Tochon,
MW 4:00-5:15 pm, TBS, Zoom and online; 3 credits
Hybrid course (online every other meeting) taught in English with both resources in English and optionally French
Applied French Language Studies is a course with substantial background in French language. The course will include readings, presentations by faculty and students, written analyses, and hands-on activities, which, in some cases, could involve service learning.
English 715*: Advanced Second Language Acquisition
Jacee Cho,
TuTh 9.30 am –10.45 am, 7105 HC White Hall
[English Language & Linguistics] (Graduate)
Prerequisite: Eng 318 Second Language Acquisition or equivalent
This course continues the introduction to Second Language Acquisition (Eng 318) by focusing on a number of critical issues in SLA from linguistic (generative) and psycholinguistic perspectives. In this course we will discuss findings of recent research in SLA that address questions such as: (1) what is the role of Universal Grammar in L2 acquisition? (2) how does L2 knowledge develop over time? (3) how does abstract linguistic knowledge interact with other cognitive and psychological factors in real-time language performance (production & comprehension)? We will learn how to design various linguistic and psycholinguistic experiments, and you will carry out a research project to investigate second language acquisition within the generative or psycholinguistic theories.
There is no required textbook. All reading materials will be available on the course website.
German 727*: The Flipped Classroom
Jeanne Schueller,
MW 9:30-10:45, Van Hise 483; 3 credits
Course taught in English
Prerequisite: Graduate student status
Although the concept of an inverted or “flipped” classroom is not new, language educators are increasingly exploring ways to implement pedagogical practices associated with the inverted classroom model. In flipped learning, direct instruction of theoretical material is delivered to students outside of class through digital technology and other online resources and students use class time to apply what they have learned by working collaboratively with their peers. Flipped learning has been shown to increase learner self-efficacy and transform the role of the instructor. In order for this to occur, students must not only be exposed to new material prior to class, they must also be provided with incentives for preparing for class, their understanding of the material must be assessed, and in-class activities must focus on higher-level cognitive functions. In the context of language teaching and learning, the most common example of flipped classroom learning is the shifting of often “lengthy” grammar explanations to videos watched by students outside of class so they can later apply the concepts in class through collaborative activities. How, then, can the principles of flipped learning be implemented in language courses where the teacher does not teach grammar explicitly in class?
In this course we will learn about the benefits and challenges of flipped learning from empirical studies and through educators’ experiences. Can an inverted classroom result in increased student motivation, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration? Does the classroom environment feel more welcoming to students, and do they feel more comfortable and confident participating in class after self-directed, at-home study? Does a flipped classroom promote differentiated learning and enable students to better work at their own pace? Does it use time more efficiently than more traditional classroom instruction? Do students and teachers report greater satisfaction through this approach?
In addition to discussing articles in class, instructors who teach online or blended courses designed to engage students in active learning will share their experiences with our class. Technology experts will provide in-class workshops to help participants gain valuable skills for flipping their classes, whether for a single class period or longer.
Course requirements include preparing scholarly articles and additional readings for in-class discussion; writing reflections of readings; leading one class discussion; and creating a pedagogical unit implementing aspects of the flipped classroom approach. This course promotes collaborative learning in order to foster a robust sense of community and inclusivity.
French 821*: Instructional and Assessment Strategies for Advanced Collegiate Language Teaching
Heather Willis Allen,
Tue 4:30-6:30 pm
This seminar facilitates the development of expertise in teaching content courses (e.g., of culture and literature) in a foreign language (FL) and assessing student learning in such courses. This seminar takes as its fundamental concepts the notions of multiliteracies and design as defined by New Literacy Studies scholars. Course topics include:
- identifying challenges and opportunities in U.S. collegiate FL programs today
- developing an understanding of multiliteracies pedagogy
- rethinking the teaching of reading and literature
- facilitating writing development through genre
- developing an understanding of intercultural competence
- facilitating the development of visual and new media literacies
- rethinking assessment of student learning in advanced collegiate FL courses
- learning how to design an advanced collegiate FL course
The final month of FRE 821 is dedicated to each course participant designing his or her own advanced collegiate FL course syllabus and sample materials for that course with class time dedicated to workshopping and presenting work-in-progress. FRE 821 is taught in English and course participation is open to graduate students in any language department, SLA majors, and SLA minors. Variable credit is available (1 credit or 3 credits).
Curriculum & Instruction 964: Research Seminar in World Language Education - Discussing the Methodology and Data Analysis for Your Research Project
Francois Tochon,
Tue – Jan 21, Feb 4 & 18, March 3 & 24, April 7 & 28: 7 face-to-face meetings from 4:30 to 6:40pm
Tue – Jan 28, Feb 11 & 25; March 10 & 31, April 14: 6 Collaborative teams meet from 4:30 to 6:00pm
Seminar intended to help graduate students in Language Education or Second Language Acquisition develop their research methodology and data analysis.
We will investigate developments in World Language Education research, with feedback and support in conceptualizing, contextualizing, and solving language education related problems using established procedures in education research or procedures emerging from the current interest in the renewal of social science methodology. Learning will take place following a flexible formula that unites theory and practice, description and critique, and the conceptual and the empirical in a dialectical fashion.
Credit hours: 15 hours of instruction plus 9 hours of student collaborative learning activity, including: 3 hrs streaming videos plus 6 hours of readings; and 12 h for research project development and analysis.
Curriculum & Instruction 975 (new course)*: Translanguaging and Education
Diego Román,
Mon 8.30 am –11.00 am, Room TBA
This course explores how the concept of translanguaging has been applied to school contexts for the education of multilingual students in countries that use English as the medium of instruction. To this end, we will consider the origins of the concept of translanguaging from various methodological (e.g., critical discourse analysis) and epistemological (e.g., linguistic ideologies) perspectives by reading research from the fields of sociolinguistics, bilingual education, and second language acquisition. Drawing primarily on the theoretical framework of raciolinguistics (Alim, Rickford, & Ball, 2016) as a challenge to standard language ideologies (Lippi-Green, 2012), this seminar includes discussions of English varieties around the world and prior work done in the areas of language contact, code-switching, and language change. The ultimate goal of the course is for students to analyze issues of race, class, and power in diverse multilingual societies and the impact of these power dynamics on how and why particular varieties of English have been chosen as the official medium of schooling.
There is no required textbook. All reading materials will be available on the course website.