SLA Minor Electives


In addition to the required SLA course (English 318 or C&I 673), SLA minor students are required to take two courses (6 credits) outside of their home departments from the list of approved courses below. Students select courses for a balanced program according to individual interest. All courses must be approved by the SLA minor advisor who will monitor the overall coherence of each student’s minor program, with input from the student’s departmental SLA advisor. Other courses can be considered, but require preapproval by the SLA Steering Committee. To be approved for the minor, courses must contain a foreign language or second language focus as evidenced by course material (such as: syllabus or reading list), provided by the student to the SLA minor advisor.

African Cultural Studies

  • 670 Theories and Methods of Learning a LCTL
  • 703 Topics in Teaching African Languages

Asian Languages and Cultures

  • 632 Studies in Chinese Linguistics*(with appropriate topic)
  • 633 Chinese Applied Linguistics*(with appropriate topic)
  • 775 Japanese Applied Linguistics*(with appropriate topic)

Curriculum and Instruction (C&I)

  • 673 Learning Second Language and Literacies
  • 674 Advanced Methods in Teaching English as a Second Language
  • 675* General Seminar (Topics Course)
  • 802 Discourse Analysis
  • 964 Seminar in World Language Education
  • 975: General Seminar (with appropriate topic; see SLA PhD minor advisor for consent)


  • 414 Global Spread of English (Instructor and SLA advisor consent required.)
  • 420 Topics in English Language & Linguistics
  • 703 Research Methods in Composition Studies
  • 710 Interaction Analysis: Talk as Social Organization
  • 711 Research Methods in Applied Linguistics
  • 713* Topics in Contemporary English Linguistics
  • 715 Advanced Studies in Second Language Acquisition
  • 905* Seminar–Topics in Applied English Linguistics

French and Italian

  • 821 * /** Issues in Methods of Teaching French and Italian


  • 727* Topics in Applied Linguistics


(note: Spanish courses are generally offered in Spanish; contact instructor)

  • 630 Topics in Hispanic Linguistics (with appropriate topic)
  • 815 Seminar in Language: Modern Spanish (with appropriate topic)

*Topics courses. Students should see the SLA Minor Advisor for approval of topics appropriate for the minor.