Second Language Acquisition Student Organization (SLASO)


The Second Language Acquisition Student Organization (SLASO) is a registered student organization representing students in the Doctoral Program in Second Language Acquisition, in addition to other (under)graduate students interested in second language learning and acquisition, bi- and multilingualism, language teaching, and the relationship among language, culture, identity and thought in diverse social contexts.

You can (officially) join us through the Wisconsin Involvement Network (WIN)!

2024-25 SLASO Officers


SLA Graduate Student Symposium

Each year since 2008 students from The University of Wisconsin-Madison SLA Program have joined with SLA students from The University of Iowa and The University of Minnesota to host the SLA Graduate Student Symposium.  Student organizers invite keynote speakers, review presentation proposals, secure funding, and arrange all aspects of the two-day event.

The SLA Graduate Student Symposium is a wonderful chance for students to meet other scholars, young and more experienced, gain practice presenting at a safe space for and by graduate students, and get feedback from peers. In 2024, the Symposium was hosted by students at The University of Iowa under the theme “Embracing Diversity: SLA Research in Multilingual Contexts”.

Next Spring 2025, the Symposium will return to the UW-Madison campus! This will be the first edition of the event that will be open to both undergraduate and graduate students! We invite you to explore our 2025 SLA Student Symposium webpage to find out more about our event. The call for proposal submissions is now open until Friday, January 24, 2025.