Lilian Abunga

Credentials: Advisor: Katrina Daly Thompson


Lilian Abunga


I earned my MA in Kiswahili from Kenyatta University in Kenya. My thesis sought to compare the effects of the learning environments on the acquisition of Swahili language skills among mainstreamed visually impaired students in two integrated schools in Kenya. In particular, I looked at how visually impaired students in integrated schools draw on their classrooms, schools, and homes to develop their Swahili language skills. My research interests include transcultural communications, sociocultural processes related to language, and marginalized communities. I am eager to delve deeper into the dynamics of language acquisition and cultural assimilation, especially for the marginalized communities in Kenya.

I have experience teaching Swahili as a second language at the high school level. I look forward to using my previous experience and the training I will receive during my graduate study in the Second Language Acquisition Program to advance my career goals.