SLA core faculty are invited to submit applications for summer research support that would involve an SLA student project assistant. The purpose of this small grant program is to support SLA faculty research and to provide SLA students with the opportunity to work with faculty on some aspect of a research project: SLA students gain research experience while faculty are provided with research assistance.
To apply: SLA faculty should send the following to SLA program coordinator Jana Martin by 12:00 pm, April 4, 2024:
- a short paragraph that describes the research project
- the graduate student(s) with whom you will be working (if known)
- the approximate number of hours needed
Students will be paid as hourly project assistantships (PAs) at the hourly rate for PAs. In 2024, the program has funding to support a total of approximately 55 hours of PA hourly support.
Funding for this small grant program is through the Language Institute. We are pleased to have supported 29 summer research projects from 2015-2023.
Previous Awards
Patricia Haberkorn and Julia Goetze
Development and piloting of a survey rating scale for a survey-based project that investigates two cognitive processes hypothesized to regulate FL teachers’ emotion.
Martiniano Etchart and Cathy Stafford
Research addressing the role of emotions and sense of belonging among Wisconsin Latino individuals, including review of audio recordings/selection for analysis; coding and analysis; and literature review.
Mathilde Garnier and Heather Willis Allen
Research related to a monograph proposal on multiliteracies in L2 education (Routledge). Assisting with updating literature review.
Eric Ho and Gordon West, with Maggie Hawkins
Research addressing neo-nationalism, including literature review, interviews, and data transcription and analysis.
Scott Stillar and Rebecca Sawyer, with Mariana Pacheco
Research addressing racialization of Chicano+ students, including gathering information, data analysis, writing, and editing.
Jose Luis Garrido Rivera and Cathy Stafford
Research addressing how Spanish-English bilinguals use a variety of linguistic resources to situate personal narratives in time, including corpus analysis, literature review and drafting and revising the article manuscript.
Eric Ho and Maggie Hawkins
Literature review on controversial issues/discussions in education relating to Global StoryBridges; review of website data (videos and chats) to locate where controversial issues surface and through what means and modalities; conducting interviews with site facilitators at international sites (virtually); and beginning conference proposals and manuscript preparation.
Scott Stillar and Mariana Pacheco
Literature review of empirical studies that have analyzed the processes by which K-12 Latina/o/x bilingual students are racialized within and through educational structures and policies shaped by racist ideologies and discourses.
Sandra Descourtis and Heather Allen
French high school and collegiate French instructors’ practices and perspectives on L2 writing
Tim Cavnar and Kate Vieira
An ethnographic study of writing’s potential to develop peace-building capacities in an after-school program for youth whose lives have been touched by violence
Sara Farsiu and Katrina Daly Thompson
Examining how progressive Muslims use different languages to talk about and/or practice Islam, as well as how they use metalanguage to discuss their own and other’s language practices
Gordon West and Maggie Hawkins
Examining existing transnational, translocal and classroom data to develop a methodological approach for analyzing transmodalities-in-practice, to leverage insights from various methodological approaches (e.g., narrative and discourse analysis) to push the current analytical trends in multi/transmodal research
Amy Clay and Jacee Cho
Examining the interaction between different types of adverbs and their placement in a sentence and the mental restrictions that determine whether a sentence is seen as acceptable as a possible English sentence
Ryan Goble and Cathy Stafford
Mid-aged Latinas/Latinos in the US Midwest cultivating sustained bilingualism through figured worlds of advocacy and career advancement
Colleen Hamilton and Mariana Pacheco
Analysis of a study on translanguaging practices in a third-grade classroom
Colleen Hamilton and Gail Prasad
Multilingualism in schools
Kazeem Sanuth and Katrina Daly Thompson
How progressive Muslims use different languages (mainly Arabic and English) to talk about and/or practice Islam, as well as how they use metalanguage to discuss their own and others’ language practices
Amy Clay and Jacee Cho
Investigating the L2 processing mechanism and its role in L2 acquisition by examining the timing (online vs offline) and strategies for integrating pragmatic information when parsing sentences containing the definite article (the) with entities that have not been previously mentioned (referred to as discourse-new definites)
Lauren Goodspeed and Heather Willis Allen
Investigating high-leverage teaching practices among experienced teaching assistants
Kathryn Mara (Department of African Cultural Studies) and Katrina Daly Thompson
Social media discussions of online communities of progressive Muslims
Chen Sun and Richard Young
History in Person: Moments of Language Teaching in the Personal Histories of Teachers
Snezhana Zheltoukhova and Francois Tochon
Implementing internet technologies for deep language learning to inform policy makers on ways to increase language learner autonomy
Amy Clay and Jacee Cho
Korean, Russian, and Spanish speakers’ semantic judgments on different types of definite noun phrases in L2-English
Lauren Goodspeed and Heather Willis Allen
Evaluating student perceptions and learning outcomes in French courses
Sandrine Pell and Richard Young
Reading French theorists Bourdieu and Foucault in the original
Glenn Starr (Department of English) and Jacee Cho
Examining the interaction between different types of adverbs and their placement in a sentence and the mental restrictions that determine whether a sentence is seen as acceptable as a possible English sentence
Bingjie Zheng and Maggie Hawkins
Language in Ugandan education