Patricia Haberkorn

Credentials: Advisor: Julia Goetze


Originally from Germany, I graduated with a first state examination in secondary education and teaching from Heidelberg University of Education. Besides a degree in teaching English as a foreign language, I also received an additional qualification in teaching German as a foreign language and early foreign language learning. From 2018 to 2019, I pursued my M.Ed. studies at Carthage College where I taught German language courses as a graduate teaching assistant and wrote my thesis Foreign Language Instructors’ Understanding and Implementation of Intercultural Communicative Competence in Higher Education. After receiving my second state examination in secondary education and teaching, I am now pursuing a joint Ph.D. in SLA and German at UW-Madison. My research interests include the experiences of neurodivergent learners in the foreign language classroom, inclusive and culturally responsive instruction, and intercultural communicative competence.