Mariana Pacheco
Position title: Professor, Dept of Curriculum & Instruction
Bilingual Education and Programs, Bilingual Classroom Research, Multilingualism and Multiliteracies
Research Interests:
Mariana Pacheco’s research focuses on how bi/multilingual students use their language and literacy abilities across in-school, out-of-school, and on-line contexts. She examines how these different contexts provide students meaningful opportunities to use their repertoires of language and literacy. Prof. Pacheco employs ethnographic methods to understand sociopolitical and sociocultural processes related to teaching, learning, and curriculum, particularly with Chican@/Latin@ and (im)migrant students. Areas of expertise include bi/multilingualism & bi/multiliteracy, bilingual education, English Language Learner education, Chican@/Latin@ and (im)migrant student education, cultural-historical theoretical views of learning and development, and ethnographic approaches to language and literacy.
Find out more about Mariana Pacheco by viewing this faculty profile page.
Selected courses:
- Curric 975: Language Ideologies
- Curric 676: Bilingualism & Biliteracy in Schools
- Curric 675: Teaching and Learning in the Borderlands
- Curric 975: Cultural Historical Activity Theory
- Curric 675: Ethnographic Studies of Bilingualism and Biliteracy