Second language acquisition–L2 motivation, L2 teacher development, literacy-based approaches to L2 instruction
Cho, Jacee
I was a Russian language teacher (but I am a native speaker of Korean) before I went to the University of Iowa to study Second Language Acquisition. My research focuses on learnability problems within …
Evans-Romaine, Karen
Karen Evans-Romaine is second author, together with Richard Robin and Galina Shatalina, George Washington University, of Golosa , a two-volume introductory Russian textbook, now in its 5th edition (Pearson, 2011/2013); she is also co-editor, …
Geyer, Naomi
Naomi Geyer’s research interests include pragmatics in Japanese language, discursive approaches to politeness phenomena, pragmatic developments in learner language, classroom discourse and language teacher education. Her book “Discourse and Politeness: Ambivalent Face in Japanese” …
Goetze, Julia
Lim, Byung-jin
Korean Language and Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Korean language textbook development, Instructional technology in Korean language learning & teaching
Machado, Emily
Mori, Junko
Professor Mori’s research interests center on the application of the methodological framework of “conversation analysis” to the study of talk-in-interaction involving first and second language speakers of Japanese. She is the recipient of the …
Murphy, Dianna
A Slavic linguist by training, Dianna Murphy is director of the Language Institute and founding associate director of the Russian Flagship Program . She is also co-associate director of the new Flagship Culture Initiative at the University of Maryland. …
Pacheco, Mariana
Mariana Pacheco’s research focuses on how bi/multilingual students use their language and literacy abilities across in-school, out-of-school, and on-line contexts. She examines how these different contexts provide students meaningful opportunities to use their repertoires …